May 30 – June 3, 2018
Media Gallery B, CICA Museum
There is a saying in Seoul, “Presidents come and go but Samsung is forever”. America’s post-war nation building project, as planned, is now an advanced capitalist country. If the mediated histories, entangled in political, financial, and social agendas, cannot be trusted…
How then, do we reimagine a retelling? A narrative stems from a nightmare and the silenced displacement of a community.
Won Cha was born in Seoul, Korea. As an immigrant, he was naturalized, only after denouncing all foreign allegiances, in New York.
Currently, he finds himself along the coast of California, but is hesitant to say he lives there. He is an artist and a writer.
Please note: I am wary of the *biography and its hierarchal mediations.
Specifically, its limitations on expression and its focus on professionalization.
*See Michel De Certeau