The Institute for Aesthetic Advocacy
Dr. Aaron McKain and Prof. Allison Baker
May 29 – June 2, 2019
2019년 5월 29일 – 6월 2일
Flexspace C, CICA Museum
The Institute for Aesthetic Advocacy is a Minneapolis-based collective dedicated to the use of museum spaces to push the boundaries of both academic research and public education in our precious post-digital moment. “Cellular Home Invasion” – featuring work by Prof. Allison Baker, Dr. Aaron McKain, Prof. Josh Gumiela, and Riley Miller – uses sculpture, sound, and live programming to examine the competing scientific paradigms that currently, but contradictorily, define and govern the “health” and “normalcy” of our post-digital bodies and homes. By aesthetically enacting the competing realities of two recent “cellular” revolutions – (1) the scientific discovery of the microbiome and (2) the emerging medical consensus on the health effects of the frequencies that power our phones and the “internet of things” – we seek to transform our CICA space into a surrealistic (but scientifically true) representation of the posthuman environments that all citizens, patrons, and patients must now learn (ethically and epistemologically) to navigate.
The Institute for Aesthetic Advocacy “Prayer”