이효지 개인전
3-A Gallery, CICA Museum
July 27 – 31, 2022
2022.07.27 – 31
I consider that we live in a relationship formed with countless strings even before we are born. From the umbilical cord that connected to the mother for ten months in the mother’s womb to the blood that connects the family, we stretch and pull the ties and tune each other out. I also observe the acts of contingency and inevitability that form relationships between people and people as well as things and groups. Then I think deeply about the emotions or factors that define them.
This exhibition is about the ‘absence’ in relationships. It expresses the severance of a relationship, the loneliness, silence and longing felt through it, and the absence of a relationship. but i believe Absence will be a means to re-establish the solidity of the relationship.
Hyoji Lee continues to develop her work by finding the exact way of expression she wants by using various media such as painting, installation, and video. She also majored in Korean painting and the fashion industry in undergraduate studies, and is pursuing works based on the commonality of the ‘line’ element of Korean painting and the ‘line’ element created by threads in fashion.
부재 (不在)
우리들은태어난순간부터눈에보이는기다란줄을달고태어난다. 어머니뱃속에서열달간어머니와끈끈하게연결해준탯 줄, 가족을연결시켜주는핏줄, 더나아가한국에서 100일이된날돌잡이때놓인명주실등을보며사람과사람뿐만아니라 사물그리고단체등의관계를형성하는우연성과필연성의행위에대해관찰한다. 나는또한이러한것들을정의하는감정이 나요소들에대해깊이생각한다.
이번전시는관계성에서오는 ‘부재’에대한이야기를나타낸다. 관계의단절, 그것을통해느끼는외로움과적막그리고갈구 등을표현하며관계의부재를표현한다. 하지만나는믿는다. 부재는관계의돈독함을다시금만들어주는수단이될것이라고. 이효지작가는회화, 설치, 영상등다양한매체를이용해본인이원하는정확한표현방식을찾아내작품을계속해서발전시킨 다. 또한한국화와패션산업을복수전공하며한국화가가진 ‘선’의요소와패션에서실이만들어내는 ‘선’의요소라는공통점 을기반으로하는작업을추구하고있다.