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J-One Shin Solo Exhibition

    August 26-30, 2020
    2020년 8월 26-30일
    Flexspace-B, CICA Museum

    한국 고유 전통 예술만의 특수한 프레임(병풍, 족자)를 활용하여 프레임 그 자체로도 새로운 공간을 창조 해 낼 수 있음을 보여줍니다. 전통적인 프레임과 현대적인 컨텐츠의 결합 이라는 새로운 형태의 예술 작품들은 동서양의 융 복합적인 문화를 향유하고 있는 현대사회를 표현하며 새로운 가능성과 기회를 상징합니다.

    “밥은 먹었어?”
    ‘밥 먹자’ 라는 말은 한국 사회에서 인사 대신 ‘밥은 먹었니?’는 상대방을 염려하는 마음을 담고 있습니다. 이렇듯 음식은 단순히 음식이 아닌 우리 현대 사회를 그대로 반영합니다.

    현대 우리들은 어떤 밥을 먹고 있나요?
    J-One은 한국 전통 예술의 다양한 프레임(병품, 족자, etc.)을 재해석하여 그 위에 현대 미술 Food POP ART 를 입혀 새로운 창작물을 만들어냅니다. 동, 서양 문화의 장점들이 융 복합된 예술 작품을 통해 따뜻한 밥 한끼 같은 작품들을 만들어내고 싶습니다.

    A folding screen is the special frame to show Korean traditional art in unique way. it shows that the frame itself can create a new space by using screen and hanging scroll. This new form of art works, a combination of traditional frames and modern contents, expresses a modern society that enjoys complex culture of the East and the West.
    It symbolized new possibilities and opportunities.

    Food is a mirror of our society.
    Food is fundamental to human life.
    It is a gesture of generosity and hospitality that functions as social glue. It amplifies social relations and translates thought into food, into giving and sharing.

    What kind of food do you have today?
    I reinterpret and put the modern frame. I would like to create art works like a soul food that combine the strengths of Eastern and Western cultures.

    한국에서 태어나고 자랐고 배웠지만, 최근 8년을 미국 뉴욕에서 생활하면서, 정체성이 무너졌다가, 다시 새워졌다가를 반복하며, 내 뿌리의 근본은 한국인이라는 것은 잊지 말되, 새로운 문화와 세계에 늘 열린 마음으로 대하자는 모토를 가지고 힘들어도 재밌게 즐겁게 살아가는 작가이고 싶습니다.

    Most recently, in Korea, I took a traditional art class to study minhwa, Korean folk painting that depicts ordinary people’s lives, and learned how to ake a traditional folding screen with silk. The traditional folding screen is a very interesting frame for paintings. It is a convenient form for moving and it can shape the new space with paintings allowing for a gorgeous finished piece. However, at even modern Korean painters must follow. I studied American art first when I was attending Columbia. Consequently, the rules of Korean paintings seem overly rigid. the rules of Korean paintings are weird.

    Contemporary art should not have limitations, and I want to break those rules and recreate. While it is very difficult to find paintings of food in Korea art history, I would like to make food paintings inspired by more traditional methods-for example, by utilizing a traditional Korean folding screen to make a modern food painting with pop art color. That juxtaposition between a traditional frame and modern colo symbolizes contemporary life. This seemingly odd combination could be a new means of pop-art expression.

    Ultimately I want to be a bridge between New York City and Korean art societies. Surprisingly, in Korea, the art community is small, as most talented young artists study and work abroad. I want to find ways to bring positive and sustainable changes to Korean art culture so that the entire global art community can ultimately benefit and future young Korean artists can feel reinvigorated.

    J-One Shin, “The New World III” (2019)