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Hyunsoo Kim Solo Exhibition

    김현수 개인전

    April 25 – 29, 2018
    Flexspace A, CICA Museum



         The paintings of my series Puzzling as Yourself that will be exhibited are a personal response to the so-called “refugee crisis” in Europe since 2015 as I am observing it in Germany. They address different aspects of migration and flight such as boarders, human reaction to change, peace and conflict, wanderlust, or arriving.
         As an artist, I am concerned with human, social, and political issues. I am observing them from my own perspective living abroad in Germany. My art reflects therefore the quest for identity as a modern human being who is living in a global, multi-polar world that calls for having more than one home as well.
         Thus, Finding Home is a theme I personally experienced during my time in Germany that I would like to share.
    Hyunsoo Kim (김현수)
         I was born in South Korea in 1975 and worked in Seoul as an interior designer. 2003 I went to Germany to study architecture, but after dropping university I decided to paint. Now I have been working and living in Bonn, Germany, as a freelance artist since 2010. I am inspired by music, my personal experience, the society and politics around me; I talk a lot with other people about those issues and inform myself on certain topics and details in the media. I use a mixture of abstract and concrete approach to show how I see the world in my paintings as a space of possibilities.
    Hyunsoo Kim 김현수 “Ein unheimliches Märchen 어느 잔혹한 동화” (2018)
    Opening Performance 오프닝 퍼포먼스
    3 p.m. April 25, 2018
    2018년 4월 25일 3시-5시 30분
    Flexspace A, CICA Forum

    Oliver von Kloesterlein ( sound artist, musician )

    Insoo Kim ( musician )

    Eunyong Sim ( Geomungo player, member of Jambinai)


    About the art projects at the opening event

    It is about the exchange and communication between two differnt kind of media, painting and music, and how they are able to mutually inspire each other.

    The involved artists of the art project “Angekommen …” (Arrived …) Hyunsoo Kim (painter), Oliver von Klösterlein (musician, sound artist) and Insoo Kim (musician) all have got around themselves. Thus, like everybody they have arrived after a more or less adventurous journey at one time or another. The meaning of “arrived” as the end of a moving process from A to B in different timeframes can cover a variety of experiences from a mundane reaching of a destinated place to fulfilling a lifelong “holy” quest. So, as much as the experience can differ as much can the way to express it…

    ‘An Eerie Tale’ is a project by the painter Hyunsoo Kim and goemungo player and member of Jambinai, Eunyong Sim. It deals with both artists’ perspective on human rights issues, especially sexual violence. The project appeals to the people’s understanding
    and sympathy with the victims, no matter whether it were they themselves, their family members, or their friends who have remained silent rather than receiving comfort from society that is distorted.

    Kim and Sim have accomplished the project together with interacting and sharing common thoughts though having expressed it in different ways.

    Opening event program:

    1. “Angekommen …” (Arrived …) along with Oliver von Klösterlein (musician, sound artist) and Insoo Kim (musician)

    2. “Ein unheimliches Märchen” (어느 잔혹한 동화, An Eerie Tale) along with Eunyong Sim (Geomungo player, member of Jambinai 잠비나이)

    오프닝 행사에서 진행 될 아트 프로젝트 개요

    서로 다른 두 개의 예술 매체, 그림과 음악 간의 소통을 통해 그들이 어떻게 상호 영감을 주고 받을 수 있는 지를 보여주고자 한다.

    프로젝트 ‘도착하다…(Angekommen…) 김현수(Hyunsoo Kim; painter), 올리버 폰 클뢰스터라인(Oliver von Klösterlein; musician, sound artist), 김인수(Insoo Kim; musician), 여느 이들처럼, 나름의 모험담을 써가며 여기에 ‚도착하다‘ 는 한 지점 A에서 다른 지점 B로 움직인다는 뜻이기도 하나, 이질적인 시간선(timeframe)을 담을 수 있기에, 평범한 지리적 이동에서부터 성스러운 삶의 여정에 이르기까지. 우리의 거쳐온 경험이 다르기에, 그를 표출하는 방법도 한껏 다르기에.

    특히 이번 전시회에 “어느 잔혹한 동화” 의 프로젝트 배경은 작가 김현수와 밴드 잠비나이의 거문고 연주자 심은용이 처음 함께 하는 프로젝트로서 인권, 그 중에서도 성폭력 피해자들의 시각에 대해 다루고 있다. 피해자임에도 아픔에 대해 위로받기보다는 침묵을 강요받아야 했던 우리 사회의 일그러진 분위기 속에서, 나 자신, 내 가족, 혹은 내 친구일지도 모르는 피해자들의 고통과 감정에 대해 공감하기를 바라는 목적에서 두 예술가는 각기 다르지만 상호교감하는 방식으로 프로젝트를 완성하였다.

    오프닝 행사 프로그램

    1. “Angekommen …” (도착하다…) : 음악-Oliver von Klösterlein (연주자, 사운드 아티스트), 김인수 (연주자)

    2. “Ein unheimliches Märchen” (어느 잔혹한 동화) : 음악-심은용 (밴드 잠비나이 멤버, 거문고 연주자)