CICA Museum
October 28 – November 15, 2020
2020. 10. 28 – 11. 15
Featured Artists 참여작가:
Sahar Mohammad Alizadeh, Fabiane Aleixo, Fiorella Angelini, Mitra Asghari, Hugo Nakashima Brown 휴고 나카시마 브라운, Krystle Brown, Uisuk Byeon 변의숙, Atefeh Farajolahzadeh, Golnar Ghasimi, Antonia Giordano, Rachel Henriksen, Jason Hopkins, Holland Houdek, Keojin Jin 진교진, Yeon Jin 연진, Maryam Kobari, Chiwon Kwon 권지원, Hwirin Lee 이휘린, Melina Mataji, Maria Ntrougia, Maria Ossandon Recart, Saehyun Paik 백세현, Yongho Park 박용호, Mikey Peterson, Ruthorn Rujianurak, Narges Soleimanzadeh, Catalin Soreanu, Gilles Tarabiscuité, Coco Vewenda
Click here to open the catalog