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Claudi Piripippi Solo Exhibition

    Media Gallery-Section B, CICA Museum
    June 7-11, 2023

    You are not in my skin!

    I want to start a new bio, a new life, a new approach to my work. One that uses my own shit, “capitalizing” on my mess rather than on others’.
    For problem solving’s sake, some sort of conflict is needed — to make art. Since 2000, the environmental crisis has lent itself as topic to my practice. Was that the right approach to demonstrate my love for nature?
    This time I want my own mess to be both the subject and the object of my work; study the landscape inside of me, the inner environment. I want to experiment with personal transformation: can it be a form of social engagement? Hence flipping things around a bit, although still in the vein of the personal is political, but also sacred. Nonetheless, environment and nature remain inherent, cardinal themes without which my art could not even exist.
    Care — anything we do is to benefit OURselves, to conquer freedom and ultimately love but my reality is conditioned by all the social, cultural, moral, ethic and aesthetic judgments. Yes, I am, uncomfortably fucking white, both German and Italian, unbearably nazi and fasci — no matter what or how, I have it in me, the fuckedupness. It didn’t start with you, says Mark Wolynn, so here I am, battling, against the “trauma of white supremacy”, in Resmaa Menakem’s words, struggling with the toxic “Myth of Normal” in Gabor Maté’s words.
    So my work is a collaboration with my wound and with the galaxy of events that contributes to the cosmic pain. It’s a collaboration with my consciousness: a collective of voices and mysterious energies that guide my practice. Ultimately it’s my emancipatory process weaved into the environmental crisis mediated through time based media and performance.