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AU Ho Lam, Suzanne Solo Exhibition

    July 28 – August 2, 2020
    2020년 7월 28일 – 8월 2일
    M Gallery, CICA Museum

    Self recovery

    “Human can transit through space using the five senses. Before transiting into any state, knowing how to contemplate or visualize in a brief moment of time, perhaps an Illusion, can it remain here, or never encounter the place”

    “Self recovery” describes the experience in the minimal state of nature and bone china. Between the transformation across different levels of perception consciousness, observing the change of natural state, connects the subtle consciousness and sensory nerve in an elastic state. Penetrate through the
    hidden space and visual perception,

    The changes through bone china, penetrating the body, extending into the sensory neurons and transitioning into a deeper state of consciousness. The material records the repairing of energy, frequency and connects with matter, space and time. The invisible light spectrum is integrated into the emptiness space.

    AU Ho Lam, Suzanne was born in Hong Kong. She is a ceramist, pioneered the spiritual healing and communication by Loofah Ceramics™. Since 2014 she has been developing unique loofah clay techniques, through the Loofah Ceramics™ creation process to manifest the expression of the human power and reveal ceramic’s own contemporary uniqueness and the spirit of art.

    Suzanne was invited to share her experience in integrating Loofah Ceramics™ and demonstrate techniques at international collaborations and symposiums. Her artworks have been selected by international museums, Biennale and private collections across Europe. She was a researcher for the “New Horizons of Local Ceramic Art in Hong Kong”, a current member of the Rural Sustainability – “On Earth Art Project” and the exhibition coordinator for the “On Earth Ceramics Festival” in Hong Kong.

    AU Ho Lam, Suzanne, “Self recovery series” (2018-2019)