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Sam C. Shin Solo Exhibition

    CICA Museum, 3-B Gallery
    July 3 – 7, 2024
    202.07.03 – 07

    The 108 Defilements of the Mind

    “The 108 Defilements of the Mind” reflects on video art through the lens of Korean Buddhism. Audiovisual installations present challenges for artists, galleries, and visitors alike. While interpretation of audiovisual art emerges gradually during viewing, interpretation of static art evolves over time but is initially more accessible. These reflections took root during my visit to an exhibit of audiovisual art at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul. The audio and visuals in this piece draw inspiration from my encounters with Korean Buddhism in temples and museums across Korea.
    “The 108 Defilements of the Mind” portrays 108 Buddhist prayer beads, presented in both short and long versions. The short version mirrors the quick consumption of much of today’s audiovisual media: concise and easily digestible at just 3.6 seconds (108 frames). Conversely, the long version extends to 1 hour (108,000 frames), demanding an uncommon level of viewer time and attention. Accompanying the audiovisual works is a static digital art version, consisting of collaged AI-generated images. By employing AI to re-envision still frames from the original work, this version invites contemplation on the interaction between traditional artistic practices and modern technological interpretations.
    As you encounter my work, I invite you to reflect on the media we choose to engage with and its impact on our well-being.