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Narae Kim Solo Exhibition

    CICA Museum, Media Gallery Section B
    June 19 – 23, 2024
    2024.06.19 – 23

    Virtually Perfect

    My art delves into the human experience, serving as a visual odyssey that encourages audiences to challenge norms, embrace emotions, and transcend limitations. My immersive work spans installation, theater, and Virtual Reality, transporting audiences into realms where reality and imagination converge. Each of my creations intertwines cultural influences, personal introspection, and a steadfast commitment to innovation. Through my work, I aim to provoke thought, evoke emotion, and create experiences that linger in the minds of those who engage.
    The Mindshift Experience guides participants through a hypothetical scenario, asking them to imagine life-altering news and reflect on their past and future. The exploration prompts individuals to shift their perspective, encouraging them to live with intention, overcome fears, and pursue a purposeful and powerful existence.
    The project Flowly is a series of VR experiences designed to alleviate anxiety and pain. In this immersive journey, participants wear a VR headset and enter serene environments designed to stimulate relaxation such as forests, underwater realms, and outer space. Integrated with a heart rate sensor, the virtual environment adapts in real-time to their physiological responses. This enables participants to visualize their emotions and immerse themselves in the flow state—the pinnacle of focused relaxation.