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Lee Oliver Solo Exhibition

    CICA Museum, M Gallery
    June 26 – 30, 2024
    2024.06.26 – 30

    Maps of Home

    In a world cluttered with the familiar, my work beckons viewers to pause, to question, and to see anew. I’m drawn to the subtle beauties of the everyday, leading a pursuit of the unnoticed, the obscured, and the quietly profound. From my material exploration to the poetic rhythm of my titles, there’s a deliberate dance between the overt and the hidden in what I create. Each piece I offer is a puzzle, promising deeper layers to those who engage.
    Material experimentation is not just a facet of my work; it’s a driving force. Whether I’m delving into the untouched potential of a medium, revisiting forgotten techniques, or creating my own folklore around them, there’s a restless curiosity that underpins what I do. This desire to innovate is rooted in my belief that art, much like life, thrives on continuous self-examination
    and growth.
    Obscuration is a recurring motif in my art. Manifested through my use of a pseudonym, ciphers in written components, and the very essence of my artworks, it’s not about simply hiding.
    Instead, I challenge my audience to look deeper, to engage, and to piece together the nuances.
    For me, there’s an allure in the unknown—a call to those willing to embrace the journey of discovery.
    Amid all these complexities and layers, I offer an invitation to reframe, to re-evaluate, and to recognize the novel in the seemingly mundane. I delight in challenging conventions, finding beauty in imperfection, and reminding others that sometimes, the answers aren’t just in the obvious but in the spaces in-between.