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Laila Abd Elrazaq

    CICA Museum, 3-A Gallery
    June 26 – 30, 2024
    2024.06.26 – 30

    Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?

    As a visual artist specializing in video, performance, digital media, and sound art, my work delves into the realm of “self-individual” exploration, particularly grappling with questions surrounding my gender identity and the enduring legacy within my family lineage. My creative journey, often
    manifested through video essays, embraces a playful visual language aligned with the aesthetics of Internet culture.
    In this artwork, I recollect and explore memories from my childhood, wherein I faced consistent criticism for my inadequate command of the Arabic language, branded as a “traitor,” enduring continual shame and trauma on a daily basis. The narrative unfolds within an enclosed,
    claustrophobic space adorned with handwritten graffiti declaring “Ana 5ayne” (translation: I’m a traitor). In addition, a video compilation, and snippets of a condensed montage from my personal biography, offering viewers a glimpse into the pivotal elements that have moulded my life.
    The artwork adopts a game-like approach, reflecting a steadfast insistence on utilizing English throughout my career. This stance is a deliberate response to those who seek to prescribe limitations based on ethnicity and language. It serves as a counteraction to the disappearance of my native language, caught in the crossfire of societal conflicts and the pervasive influence of Westernization or Americanization in both the present and future enerations.
    In essence, my artistic expression becomes a defiant reaction, a bold assertion of autonomy against societal expectations, and a commentary on the cultural shifts and challenges faced by my ethnic group. Through this exploration, I navigate the complexities of language, identity, and the evolving landscape of cultural heritage, inviting viewers to engage with a multilayered narrative that speaks to personal and societal struggles.