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EZMONSTER Solo Exhibition

    EZMONSTER 최이지 개인전

    October 25 – 29, 2017
    M Gallery, CICA Museum





    My artwork is mainly painting and drawing

    I usually paint or draw my things, my experience, my situation, feeling, the people i met, and the place i went, something like that.


    I’m not good at memory, so I draw my day.

    It is kind of record.

    And it is my habit.

    So, sometimes i think my artwork is result of my habit.

    EZ Monster (최이지)

    This is EZMONSTER! Yes! She is an artist, lives in South Korea. She usually paints or draws her own things, her experience, her situation, feeling, the people she met, and the place she went, something like that. And  she tries to do everything she wants to do.