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CICA Art Studio Program: Phidia Kang Solo Exhibition

    강다은 개인전
    CICA Museum, Flexspace-Section A Solo Exhibition
    June 25 – 30, 2024
    2024 06.25 – 30


    Phidia Kang (다은) will showcase a range of sculptures made during the CICA residency period in an open-studio style. Kang is a sculptor who grew up in rural Korea and the Southern United States. Coming from diasporic communities, Kang is interested in the tension inherent in selfhood. Primarily working with wood fibers, clay, and casting methods, her practice revolves around a material ecosystem built through her repetitive making process, often resulting in appendage-like studio artifacts that explore material translation and sculptural presence.

    Kang has an MFA in Sculpture from Cranbrook Academy of Art. She has exhibited nationally and internationally, with recent group exhibitions at the Czong Institute of Contemporary Art Museum in South Korea, Woolf-Day Collective: A Day of One’s Own in Australia, The Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia in the United States, and Nevven Gallery in Sweden. She is also the recipient of numerous awards and scholarships, such as the Gene Alcott Scholarship, Seoul National Fine Art Merit Fellowship, International Academic Merit, and Achievement Scholarships for the academic years. Several of her ceramics and paintings are collected by SCAD Collections, and her performance art was featured in Savannah Art Informer Magazine and Portcity Review.

    Workshop: June 29th, 1pm-2:40pm
    [가족워크숍] 강다은 작가와 도자기로 만드는 레고 조각